Cosmetic and Reconstructive
Plastic Surgery 

Facial Surgeries

Facial Profiling or Facial Liposculpture

It consists of removing excess fat from the lower part of the face, as well as the neck and double chin. In some cases it is advisable to complement the result with a bichectomy, which is the procedure that removes the internal fat from the cheeks, resulting in a sharp and young figure on the face, eliminating excess double chin and mandibular fat.

Nose Surgery or Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the surgical intervention that aims to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose, thus improving the proportions of the nose and thus facial harmony. In some cases, it is also used to correct functional problems, such as difficulty breathing or when the person has suffered some trauma due to an accident or injury.

Ear Surgery, Auriculoplasty or Otoplasty

Otoplasty is the surgical procedure that offers multiple possibilities in terms of reshaping the shape of the ears, although it is generally performed to reposition prominent or “puff” ears to a more natural position with respect to the head or to reduce the big ears size.

Cheek Surgery or Bichectomy

With this procedure, fat is extracted from the cheeks so that the face looks more defined and elongated, highlighting the cheekbones and creating a more profiled face.

Chin Surgery

It is a surgery to reshape or improve the size of the chin and outline the face. It can be done either by inserting an implant or by moving or reshaping the bones.

Liposuction Dewlap

The double chin is about the tissue that is located between the chin and the neck, the appearance of this is almost inevitable given that the tissue between the cheek and the neck is naturally arranged to absorb fat; condition that can be reduced by liposuction. My passion is caring for and helping my patients feel good and look younger and more natural. Keep them healthy inside and out; also helping the self-esteem of each one of them to be benefited by my work; I find great satisfaction and joy in watching their smile when seeing their transformation.

Eyelid Lift or Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is the surgical technique that is practiced to repair and rejuvenate both the upper and lower eyelids, its repair involves the possible removal of skin, muscle or fat. The upper eyelids over the years lose their original laxity and end up sliding with little support towards the free edge of the eyelid, which ends up projecting a tired and more aged appearance.

Facelift or Rhytidectomy

As we age, the effects of gravity, sun exposure and the stresses of daily life leave their marks on our physiognomy, although the most decisive factor in the aging process is genetics. Consequently, the tissues of the face weaken and lose their elasticity; The skin loses part of its structure and becomes flaccid, leading to the formation of deep furrows between the nose and the mouth, drooping of the cheeks and the appearance of fat and wrinkles around the neck. The facial “lift” (rhytidectomy or lifting) cannot stop this process; However, what it can do is stop the clock, improving the most visible signs of aging, tightening the muscles of the face, eliminating excess fat and redistributing the skin of the face and neck. The lift can be performed alone or in association with other procedures such as blepharoplasty or rhinoplasty.

Breast Surgeries

Bust Increase or Bust Implants

Breast augmentation, breast augmentation or the placement of breast implants, technically known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to improve, regain or restore balance in the figure of women by introducing gel implants. silicone placed in the mammary region; and in some selected cases this can be accomplished using fat transfer or absorbable fillers.

Breast lift or Mastoplexia

What makes the bust sag, look flabby, or lose its shape?
The passage of time, as well as other circumstances such as pregnancy, lactation, significant weight changes, aging, and excessive weight of the bust cause the skin to lose its elasticity and tend to modify its natural shape, along with a decrease in its original place. Altogether a sagging, shapeless and not very elastic bust is known as Breast Ptosis
Mastopexy is the surgical procedure that aims to lift and improve the shape of sagging breasts in women, with the intention of correcting and recovering:
The shape
The size
The ideal bust location

Reduction of Breasts

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is the surgical procedure used to reduce, reshape and elevate those breasts that have excessively large volumes in relation to the body structure. With this technique, excess fatty tissue, glandular tissue and skin are removed in order to make the breasts smaller, lighter and in proportion to the patient's anatomy. If the size of the areolas were excessively large, which is usually the norm, this is also reduced.
The objective of this surgery is not only aesthetic, but also functional, since regardless of the aesthetic aspect, there are often significant physical repercussions associated with overly large breasts, and they tend to appear mainly on the shoulders, neck and back. Although it is a surgery that is generally requested in greater numbers by women, it is also performed in men who suffer from gynecomastia (growth of breasts in men) or breast asymmetry.

Breast Reconstruction

Recover your figure and your appearance from before! Cancer did not defeat you, recover your beauty and your security! Wear your clothes again!
This procedure is performed regularly after one or both breasts are removed due to a cancer diagnosis. The appearance of the breast is completely rebuilt.

Abdominal Surgeries

Abdominoplasty or Lipectomy

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to remove all excess skin and fatty tissue from the abdomen that remain after losing a lot of weight or after pregnancy.
When the skin is not very elastic and can no longer adapt and retract with the loss of weight and fat, a hanging apron remains on the abdomen that is uncomfortable and even annoying in daily life.
The objective of this operation is to improve the aesthetics of the abdomen giving greater harmony with the rest of the body, leaving a flat abdomen, by removing excess skin and fat and repairing the abdominal wall to correct the flaccidity that was had and at the same time give a suitable contour to the waist; at the same time the navel is modeled to fix it at an ideal height with a pleasant and aesthetic appearance.

Correction of sagging skin or Minilipectomy

Are you thin but still have love handles? Eliminate the sagging of your abdomen!
This procedure consists of eliminating excess fat when you are slim but have a minimum of excess fat located in the abdomen. This may be due to pregnancy, bariatric surgery, or simply because you've lost a lot of weight and your muscles have become flaccid and unaesthetic.


Body liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure in which fat is removed from different areas of the body through aspiration. The body areas where this fat accumulates most frequently are the abdomen, flanks, back, legs, hips, chaps, neck and arms.

Lipotransfer Liposculpture

Improve your silhouette! Eliminate excess fat and look amazing!
With this procedure you will show off the body of your dreams! It consists of eliminating excess fat in the parts of the body that you want. The fat obtained during your surgery can be used to shape your buttocks or in very particular cases to shape your breasts or your hips, giving a natural and long-lasting effect since it is made with your own tissue, which reduces the chances of rejection.

Surgeries for Men

Pectoral Implants

Sometimes, even with frequent exercise, men find that their pectoral muscles do not respond in the desired way. For some men who work their body muscles through physical exercise, it is frustrating to see that despite training and weight training routines, the pectoral muscles are not developing as desired. For these men, pectoral implants can be an excellent alternative for building and enhancing chest muscles, which contributes to a more defined and muscular appearance. Well-proportioned body musculature is a symbol of masculinity.


Gynecomastia It is one of the main causes that lead to medical evaluation of the male breast and can occur at any age. With the gynecomastia surgical procedure, it is possible to remove excess glandular tissue, fatty tissue and in more severe cases also excess skin, thus achieving a flat and well contoured chest.

Reconstructive Surgeries

Breast Reconstruction

Recover your figure and your appearance from before! Cancer did not defeat you, recover your beauty and your security! Wear your clothes again!
This procedure is performed regularly after one or both breasts are removed due to a cancer diagnosis. The appearance of the breast is completely rebuilt.

Vaginal Lip Surgery Or Vulvar Labiaplasty

Vaginal cosmetic surgery, also called labiaplasty, is the surgical intervention in the field of plastic surgery aimed at rejuvenating and reshaping the external genital structure of women. Childbirth, the aging process, and the effects of gravity can erode all the beauty of the female genitalia including the labia minora, labia majora, and the clitoral hood.

Labiaplasty is indicated for all those women who are physically and emotionally dissatisfied with the external appearance of their sexual organs and wish to improve and therefore rejuvenate the appearance of their intimate area in order to achieve an aesthetic improvement and in most of the cases a functional improvement.

The procedures that are generally performed are:
Labia minora reduction.
Reduction / augmentation of the labia majora.
Clitoral hood skin reduction.
Liposuction in the mons pubis.
Vaginoplasty. (reduction of the vaginal canal).

Post Bariatric Surgeries

Tummy tuck

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to remove all excess skin and fatty tissue from the abdomen that remain after losing a lot of weight or after pregnancy.
When the skin is not very elastic and can no longer adapt and retract with the loss of weight and fat, a hanging apron remains on the abdomen that is uncomfortable and even annoying in daily life.
The objective of this operation is to improve the aesthetics of the abdomen giving greater harmony with the rest of the body, leaving a flat abdomen, removing excess skin and fat and repairing the abdominal wall to correct the flaccidity that was had and at the same time give a suitable contour to the waist; at the same time the navel is modeled to fix it at an ideal height with a pleasant and aesthetic appearance.

Correction of sagging skin or Minilipectomy

Are you thin but still have love handles? Eliminate the sagging of your abdomen!

This procedure consists of eliminating excess fat when you are slim but have a minimum of excess fat located in the abdomen. This may be due to pregnancy, bariatric surgery, or simply because you've lost a lot of weight and your muscles have become flaccid and unaesthetic.

Thigh lift

Thigh reduction comprises a variety of operations that remove skin and fat from the upper leg (thigh) in order to improve your silhouette by removing soft tissue.

Arm Lift or Brachioplasty

An arm lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure to improve the appearance of the lower arms.
During an arm lift, also known as a brachioplasty, excess skin and fat is removed between the armpit and the elbow. The remaining skin is repositioned to create a more toned appearance.

Buttock Implants


Gluteoplasty is any surgical intervention that aims to reshape the gluteal area. The options available for the gluteal area are diverse, adjusted to the needs of each patient. Either because "it is the shape" of our body, weight changes or the simple passage of time. The plastic surgeon may have a solution tailored to the needs of the patient.

Calf Augmentation

Calf Augmentation

Despite the aesthetic importance of the legs, not much attention has been paid to one part of them: the calves. Its lack of development creates an unsightly and unbalanced effect on the figure. In addition, this can accentuate by contrast, the thickness of the thighs or the hips. Sometimes the problem affects only one leg, due to trauma or illness such as polio, making the thinness of the calf more evident.
The best solution is the placement of a prosthesis to give the desired shape and volume to the calves.

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(624) 143-0603