

A clinical examination (examination of the oral cavity), detection, diagnosis, follow-up plan and treatment is performed.
Health education, hygiene-dietary advice, oral hygiene care techniques.
A complete medical history is performed: visual and armed examination (mirror, explorer, forceps and excavator).

Prophylaxis or Dental Cleaning

Dental prophylaxis. It is the dental hygiene procedure whose objective is to find adhered and accumulated in those areas of the teeth that are not accessible is to clean the dental surfaces, removing dental tartar or calcified plaque that cannot be removed with tooth brushing Identify and eliminate substances that are not desirable tooth surfaces (plaque, stains, tartar, and food debris)
To avoid some of the oral diseases (Caries, Gingivitis and Periodontitis)
Prophylaxis. 2. Prophylaxis or Dental Cleaning • It is a procedure that aims to prevent
Dental polishing. It is a controlled wear method that is applied to the upper surface of the tooth that includes the crown and the root portion in order to eliminate excess plaque (bacteria deposit) and tartar (hardened plaque)
Unlike dental plaque, which is a colorless film, tartar is a mineral formation that is easily visible if it is located above the gum line. The process to remove the tartar is called "root scaling" with ultrasound.

Whitening Treatments

It is a dental aesthetic treatment, whose main objective is to eliminate some pigmentations, stains or coloration that settle on the hard tissues of the crown of the teeth, the enamel and the dentin, achieving a lighter and brighter tone.

Fluor Application

Fluor is incorporated into superficial enamel post-eruptively from the oral environment, but this deposit is restricted to the subsurface.
Promotes remineralization.

Pit and Fissure Sealants

Sealants are effective in preventing the development of cavities in healthy pits and fissures or with cavities limited to the enamel in susceptible children, adolescents and adults, since they modify the growth patterns of bacteria in the teeth, reducing the rates of cavities in general.

Resins, Glass Lonomer

Restorative material of choice, ideal for patients with primary teeth (baby teeth) due to its release of fluorine as an anticariogenic agent, or as a base for a deep cavity restoration.


Dental amalgam alloy of mercury, silver, copper and tin that may also contain palladium, zinc and other elements to improve handling and clinical properties.
It is a restorative material for molars when there are deep cavities caused by caries.

Tooth Extraction

Surgical procedure by which the avulsion or extraction of a dental organ from its socket is performed with the least possible trauma.
It is the treatment to be considered when the infectious process cannot be stopped through endodontic procedures, the bone support cannot be recovered, the tooth structure is insufficient for a restoration or there is excessive pathological resorption of the root.

Dental Surgery (Wisdom Teeth)

It is in charge of diagnosing and surgically treating diseases, trauma and defects of the teeth, mouth, jaws and their adjacent tissues, both in functional and aesthetic aspects.
These dental organs have a period of eruption that goes from 16 to 18 years, if at this stage they do not erupt they are considered retained.


It is a type of treatment that is performed in dentistry. It consists of the removal of the dental pulp and the subsequent filling and sealing of the pulp cavity with an inert material.
Endodontic treatment of a tooth with necrotic pulp, is an essential treatment to avoid or control an infection, it seeks to achieve an asymptomatic state and return the bone structure at the apex to normal in cases of apical periodontitis.


It is a rigid structure in the form of a root canal that is where the nerve of the tooth is housed.
After a root canal, the tooth or tooth may be a bit fragile, as a percentage of dental tissue is lost, which must be evaluated to carry out a rehabilitation of the piece.
According to some considerations, it can be concluded with the use of dental posts or endoposts; If the tooth does not have a remaining tooth structure that is sufficient to contain the restorative material, the post is placed inside the tooth to later place a crown.

Crowns and Inlays

Commonly used as a dental cover, it is a restoration that is superimposed on the tooth in order to restore its functionality and appearance. Its objective is to cover the outer part of a tooth affected or destroyed by dental pathologies but with its healthy bone. They are tailored to each patient to be an exact replica of the shape and color of the natural tooth.

Dental implants

A procedure that replaces the roots of the teeth with metal studs that look like screws and replaces the missing or damaged tooth with an artificial tooth that looks the same and performs the same function as real teeth. Dental implant surgery may offer a well-accepted alternative to poorly set dentures or bridges, and may offer an option when a lack of roots from natural teeth prevents the placement of dentures.
Its main benefit is a solid support for new teeth, a process that requires the bone to heal around the implant, because this bone healing takes time, the process can take several months.


Devices that are used to replace missing teeth, due to trauma, dental disease or even bone degeneration or atrophy. They are made of porcelain or acrylic.
There are partial dentures which are used to replace a single tooth or complete ones that replace the entire denture. They help you regain your physical appearance and at the same time your security.
There are several types: Fixed dental prosthesis, Removable dental prosthesis, Fixed prosthesis on dental implants, among others.

Orthodontics (Brakets)

Dental specialty that is responsible for the study and treatment of dental development disorders, working around three areas, diagnosis, prevention and treatment, to correct the position and relationship of the dental and maxillary structures.
Orthodontic treatment is not only used for aesthetic reasons but also has an impact on oral health, crowded or turned teeth are more prone to cavities and gum disease due to their limited access to dental hygiene.
The end result will be a perfect smile and also improve the patient's oral health.

X-rays (Dental Radiography)

Auxiliary diagnostic method which is used to provide a localized view of the teeth and their supporting structures
Since through it the enlargement of the periodontal ligament space or a well-defined radiolucency can be observed, it provides us with more information about the tooth and its support structure.

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